Stephanie Howe's Pro Tip: Use yoga WITH your littles

Moms (and dads!), you DO have time to use yoga. Ultrarunner Stephanie Howe has some inspiration for you including a behind the scenes look at how she uses yoga for real with her 2-year-old, Julien. Use yoga with them (and your kids) with Steph’s new toddler yoga video — interruptions welcome.

“Yoga is usually time to yourself and when you’re home with your kid that’s not really an option,” she says. “When I include him, it’s something we can do together. ‘Mama runs, mama stretches…’ It’s fun to see him learn from me and to discover ways to move and explore his own body. And with yoga, he’s moving in different planes, touching his toes, going upside down — it’s really dynamic.”

And the inevitable interruptions?

“The interruption part has, like motherhood, taught me there’s no place for perfection and that practice doesn’t have to be perfect. I find it really fulfilling not just to be doing yoga but to be connecting with him in this way.”

Steph’s pro yoga MAMA tips

Ready state.

I often have my mat out and open so that I don’t have to get any props and practice can be more spontaneous.

Do something.

Like running, I can’t always do everything I want but I can do something. Anything makes a difference.

Just start.

Just starting is the hardest part, just like getting out the door for a run. Just start. When you feel like stopping, stop. Take a walk break. (Legs up the wall break?!)

Learn from them.

He likes to take a deep breath in so that’s something we do a lot and then he’ll say, “That’s much better.”

REward everyone at the end

Have a little treat after, just like after we do a stroller run we often end at our favorite lakeside cafe for a coffee and we both know we get to have a treat. Giving yourself a little joy after gives you a little extra incentive.

Parent athletes! We’d love to hear how you use yoga with your littles. Share any and all parent pro tips in the comments!